升级了11.10以后,一直在突然失去了边界滚动的本本触摸板中迷茫,百度GOOGLE,终于发现它在丛中笑,一切得了有点费功夫, 简单点:
sudo modprobe -r psmouse
sudo modprobe psmouse proto=imps
Hey there! I’ve finally got my Elantech Touchpad working under Xorg 1.6.0 (from Ubuntu 9.04, Jaunty Jackalope)! After a long time googling for answers, I found the solution. It’s quite simple, open up a terminal window and run the following commands: sudo modprobe -r psmouse sudo modprobe psmouse proto=imps After that, you’ll notice your touchpad is working, great! Now, using your favorite text editor and root permissions, create the file /etc/modprobe.d/options and add this line into it, in order to make the changes permanent: options psmouse proto=imps http://alucinogenado.wordpress.com/2009/04/05/elantech-etps2-touchpad-and-xorg-160/ -- 通过 Google Share Button 共享